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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: RSV vaccines should be free for more seniors

LETTER: RSV vaccines should be free for more seniors

'Failing to make RSV shots publicly available sends the message that it's not that serious, while at the same time, puts seniors at risk,' says letter writer
LETTER: Government must make school bus seatbelts the law

LETTER: Government must make school bus seatbelts the law

A petition started by a former bus driver is demanding that the Education and Transportation ministries take the safety of school children and those on our roads seriously, letter writer says
LETTER: 'Protect the kids' based on faulty premise

LETTER: 'Protect the kids' based on faulty premise

'They simply want to teach people that there are different ways to live and love others,' letter writer says
LETTER: Ford government's approach to climate crisis is cavalier

LETTER: Ford government's approach to climate crisis is cavalier

'The Ontario government’s ongoing determination to treat the Greenbelt as a place to spread sprawling estate subdivisions, and pollution-spreading highways is the wrong way to go!' letter writer says
LETTER: Resignations, cabinet shuffle won’t slow scandal

LETTER: Resignations, cabinet shuffle won’t slow scandal

'To permit this type of behaviour to go unchallenged sets the stage for future abuses of power, for continued unethical behaviour and questionable processes and outcomes,' letter writer says
LETTER: Premier has clearly declared war on Greenbelt

LETTER: Premier has clearly declared war on Greenbelt

'No amount of evidence ... will convince this government to focus on building housing where jobs, services and sufficient land exists to build 1.5 million new homes,' says Greenbelt coalition
LETTER: MPP's response to Greenbelt concerns obfuscates reality

LETTER: MPP's response to Greenbelt concerns obfuscates reality

'This housing crisis is real. Climate change is real. This government’s plans exacerbate the crises,' say letter writers
LETTER: Caution needed on policies favouring parents' right to know

LETTER: Caution needed on policies favouring parents' right to know

Knowledge of a child's decision to change their name or pronouns isn't a parental right, but a privilege earned when a child decides to share this personal information, writes president of Pflag York Region to education minister
LETTER: Taking developers out of system could solve housing 'crisis'

LETTER: Taking developers out of system could solve housing 'crisis'

What if we took the solution to the housing 'crisis from the private sector — which is driven by profits — and made the building of homes more like the universal health care system, asks letter writer
LETTER: Removing encampments unethical, unconstitutional

LETTER: Removing encampments unethical, unconstitutional

Advocacy group urges municipalities to use human rights based approach when dealing with people experiencing homelessness