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Member since: Dec, 2020

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Some Newmarket convenience stores quick to apply to sell alcohol

Some Newmarket convenience stores quick to apply to sell alcohol

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

Best of luck to them! My concern for them is safety. Personally, I’d like to see it remain at the LCBO.

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Plan for 122 townhouses in Newmarket raises traffic concerns

Plan for 122 townhouses in Newmarket raises traffic concerns

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

Newmarket is closed minded about managing traffic and poor driving habits. They absolutely refuse to consider speed bumps/humps when the rest of world relies on them. Visit Bradford to see their traffic management, awesome! Automated crosswalks, speed humps, etc. Let’s not let them ignore the issue of speeding and poor driving habits,

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Newmarket adding urban shoulders, painting lines on 5 streets

Newmarket adding urban shoulders, painting lines on 5 streets

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

What? “Urban shoulders also assist with slowing down traffic as a calming measure by making the road seem narrower.” We had them and were told by the town it only made a point 5 (.5) % difference. Why waste time/money on these? Many people think they are bike lanes.

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Rules need to change for mobility scooters, says man irked by tickets

Rules need to change for mobility scooters, says man irked by tickets

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

Looks like a motorbike to me. Think of children playing on sidewalks, elderly, etc.
It’s one thing to have a motorized wheelchair but when it gets to the size of a bike or mini car, it belongs on the road with proper licensing, lights, registration, etc.

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Newmarket animal services pursuing friendly 'celebrity' raccoon

Newmarket animal services pursuing friendly 'celebrity' raccoon

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

On Thursday past about 9:15 a.m., he was wandering around the Millard/Queen intersection. He kept heading towards any car that stopped. I tried to shoo him to safety but he would only go under the cars as they approached the intersection. I feel for him. Poor confused animal.

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Local resident uses her nose to get into Guinness Book of World Records

Local resident uses her nose to get into Guinness Book of World Records

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Andy Warhol

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Many heavy trucks illegally using local roads: Newmarket resident

Many heavy trucks illegally using local roads: Newmarket resident

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

Join the club, Mr, Mossop. You’re not alone. I was told by a past councillor that “no heavy trucks” sign is just a deterrent. So it falls to the resident to call police and by the time anyone checks, trucks are long gone. Next you’ll be told to take photos of the trucks. No support. Period. Why this town isn’t doing more to curb traffic is beyond me. I believe it’s got way beyond their means to handle. Get creative Newmarket! Look around! Noise control should be on the list too, after market mufflers, loud motorcycles, etc.

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Woman on quest to find person who lost 'sentimental' 1953 letter

Woman on quest to find person who lost 'sentimental' 1953 letter

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

Have you gone to the local senior’s residents to see if there is a Mary Russell in residence?

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ON THE STREET: Newmarket residents talk speed cameras

ON THE STREET: Newmarket residents talk speed cameras

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

George has good ideas. Our side streets that run parallel to Yonge and Davis (Sandford, Carol, Queen, Millard) have become major bypasses for traffic that do not want to wait for the traffic lights, as result not stopping at stop signs, speeding, etc. Additionally, the timing of some traffic lights at some intersections haven’t been changed (monitored?) in years to assist with moving traffic along. I’m all for slowing/reducing traffic but we don’t need knee jerk, and possibly costly, reactions.

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'Need to build more': Newmarket mayor calls for more shelters, housing

'Need to build more': Newmarket mayor calls for more shelters, housing

Local News |

Ltrpid commented

I’m finding that Newmarket is becoming a hostel (not hostile) town for every cause. Get to the root…get people off the streets, stop handouts! There are jobs, why are people begging at Leslie and Davis Drive, at the LCBO? We make it too easy. Everything is free, no one wants to work for it.

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