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What side of the fence are you on?

Learn more about how proposed changes to the Town of Newmarket's fence bylaw affects you at March 7 public meeting
Ostrich looks over fence
Troy Bridgeman/Village Media

Changes are coming to the Town of Newmarket’s fence bylaw and understanding how the proposed new rules affect you could help to avoid a potentially heated and costly dispute with your neighbour or bylaw enforcement.

Residents will have the opportunity to review an updated copy of the draft bylaw and provide their feedback at a public information meeting Thursday, March 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Municipal Offices, 395 Mulock Dr.

Some of the proposed changes include increasing fence heights to seven feet, up from the current six feet, the addition of a new section on privacy screens, and the appointment of costs of division fences, which mark the boundary between two properties.

Newmarket’s fence bylaw governs the height, location and maintenance of fences as well as hedges used as fences. Running afoul of the bylaw can result in fines and you'll be on the hook for costs if the town deems a fence to be unsafe and in need of repairs or demolition.

For more information about planning, zoning and building in Newmarket, visit here.