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Newmarket warns of 'territorial' coyote family on Old Main Street

Animal services officers working to 'humanely address this concern,' town says, asking residents to avoid the area if possible
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Newmarket animal services is warning the public of a family of coyotes with pups in the Old Main Street and Bexhill Road area showing territorial behaviour.

The town said its staff is using humane hazing techniques such as loud noises and large movements to deter coyotes from the area. It further said it is working with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to "humanely address this concern."

"If you see our animal services officers, please give them space when they are conducting this work as this means the coyotes are nearby," the town said in a news release. "If possible, try to avoid the area, particularly for walking dogs."

The town regularly monitors coyotes, with a public coyote tracker available. It generally advises the public to avoid approaching coyotes, backing away while remaining calm if a coyote approaches.

"Generally, coyotes do not pose a threat to human safety as they are shy and would prefer to avoid confrontations with people," the town said on its website. "However, if you are approached stay calm and wait until they move on, or if threatened, use whistles and personal alarm devices as a deterrent."

The municipality said you should keep pets on a short leash and avoid leaving small pets unattended near forested areas in case of coyote interactions.

The town said you can report coyote interactions to animal services at 905-895-5193 and press 3 if calling after-hours. If a coyote poses an immediate and serious threat, you can call 911.

Coyote sightings can also be reported on the municipal website.