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Fireworks pop-up sets up shop in Newmarket

Wikx pop-up located in front of Staples on Yonge Street; 1% of sales on sparklers support youth education funds

The Wikx pop-up in Newmarket will take place in front of Staples at 17810 Yonge St. June 27 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., June 28 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and June 29 to July 1 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Wikx, a homegrown, Canadian-to-the-bone start-up business, dedicated to simplifying the way Canadians shop for and enjoy their experience with fireworks, launches its Canada Day program.

With an e-commerce web store delivering coast to coast and five seasonal pop-up shops around the GTA, the employees of Wikx prioritize safety, price integrity, honesty and perseverance as they revolutionize the national fireworks industry.

Wikx recently launched the BE THE SPARK! fundraising campaign in full support of the Pinball Clemons Foundation’s Education Fund and Mainstream Bursary Program model that breaks down barriers faced by marginalized and racialized youth from succeeding in a post-secondary environment.

Wikx donates one per cent of all in-store and online sales on sparklers directly to these essential causes to empower the next generation of leaders.

Be the spark that inspires and ignites positive change creating a brighter future for all.
