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Action table seeking new community space for Newmarket Heights

Efforts continue to provide programming for central Newmarket community with challenges
Routes Connecting Communities executive director Niv Bala presents to Newmarket council Oct. 10.

The Central Newmarket Community Action Table is seeking a new space to provide services and support for the residents of Newmarket Heights.

The group’s organizers reported to council Oct. 10 that they need to find a space for community gatherings. The table currently provides a range of community supports, including legal aid clinics.

Routes Connecting Communities executive director Niv Bala said it is something they have heard in their work with the Newmarket Heights community, located in central Newmarket off Davis Drive. She said they appreciated the Newmarket Church of Christ for providing some space but said they need something more than that.

“We know that cannot be the sustainable solution for programs moving forward,” Bala said. “What we have heard loud and clear from community partners is they do need space locally that can be used in the rain and snow, as well, and it has to be a space that’s open to them to get to without reliance on a car.” 

The action table has been ongoing for two years, under York Region’s community safety and well-being plan to support specific communities facing challenges. Routes Connecting Communities, a volunteer transportation service, took over running the Newmarket table earlier this year.

The organization reported to council about the latest efforts the table has enacted in the community, including free tax clinics with more than 90 returns completed since April, support for residents trying to find housing solutions, service provider fairs and community dinners garnering 60 residents a month. 

Councillor Trevor Morrison, whose Ward 4 includes Newmarket Heights, said the impact of the action table is noticeable.

“I’m just so amazed to see the significant progress that’s happened,” he said. “It’s really evident that the residents are so engaged.”

The table asked council to consider providing space for events, promote activities and join a second annual celebration of the action table scheduled for Oct. 14 at the Langstaff Community Centre in Richmond Hill.

Newmarket Mayor John Taylor said the results and participation of the program are exciting.

“This is not a one-year program, it’s something we have to be committed to for a long period of time,” Taylor said.