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OUTDOORS: Contending with deer flies a challenge while berry picking

OUTDOORS: Contending with deer flies a challenge while berry picking

'Never had I experienced such an attack,' columnist says of recent outing to find wild berries
OUTDOORS: It's important not to go wild picking berries

OUTDOORS: It's important not to go wild picking berries

These days, one of the few options to find wild berries are along trails in parks, but there's a lot of competition, so we need to not be greedy, warns columnist
OUTDOORS: Poison ivy, bees, raccoons ... natural world can be nasty

OUTDOORS: Poison ivy, bees, raccoons ... natural world can be nasty

Raccoons in the attic! Sometimes, nature is not all it's cracked up to be, says columnist whose weekend took a turn, then another and another
OUTDOORS: Nature finds a way — even in business parks

OUTDOORS: Nature finds a way — even in business parks

'Being a well-prepared naturalist, my back-pocket notebook and pen came into play as each property was passed by,' columnist says of recent jaunt
OUTDOORS: When it comes to mating, bigger may not be better

OUTDOORS: When it comes to mating, bigger may not be better

When it comes to reproduction in the local forests and streams, all may not be what it appears to be, says columnist
OUTDOORS: Elegant Luna moth 'like a candle in the wind'

OUTDOORS: Elegant Luna moth 'like a candle in the wind'

Magnificent moths, which are 'truly unmistakable in appearance,' are short lived, says columnist of big, green moths that look like they belong in a tropical jungle
OUTDOORS: Unique lichens play important role in our ecosystem

OUTDOORS: Unique lichens play important role in our ecosystem

Lichens were once viewed 'as the trash of vegetation,' says columnist, noting there are about 18,000 species of lichens found around the globe
OUTDOORS: Sounds of silence echo loudly even in deep woods

OUTDOORS: Sounds of silence echo loudly even in deep woods

'Even while surrounded by a thousand acres of wilderness, noise still permeates the local environment,' muses columnist
OUTDOORS: What is that smell? Is rain in the forecast?

OUTDOORS: What is that smell? Is rain in the forecast?

'It truly is amazing how a whiff of some odour or another can cause instant mental ruminations of a place or time from long ago,' says columnist
OUTDOORS: For many birds in our region, love is in the air

OUTDOORS: For many birds in our region, love is in the air

Brightly coloured feathers, elaborate song, aggressive behaviour and intricate flight manoeuvres ... are all fair in the wooing of birds game, says columnist