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It's crushed grapes for me after black widow found in the fruit

It's crushed grapes for me after black widow found in the fruit

It's the stuff of nightmares for columnist Wendy King, who reacts to the story about an unwanted hitchhiker — a black widow spider from Mexico — found by an area couple in their cotton candy grapes
OPINION: Pope's apology skips over 'preventable trauma'

OPINION: Pope's apology skips over 'preventable trauma'

'If the Church and governments want to fix the problem, then they should acknowledge that they are responsible,' says local elder
OPINION: Elvis gets royal treatment he deserves in new movie

OPINION: Elvis gets royal treatment he deserves in new movie

After spending decades trying to explain her deep passion for this musical giant, Elvis: The Movie has made it all crystal clear, says columnist Wendy King
OPINION: Canada Day reflections and a story pushed aside

OPINION: Canada Day reflections and a story pushed aside

This land was originally called Kinade, a word meaning 'everything that is in my heart'; Canada no longer has that same meaning, laments Indigenous elder
OPINION: Sex assault claim puts junior hockey in spotlight

OPINION: Sex assault claim puts junior hockey in spotlight

'As disturbing as the details have been to date, things are going to get uglier,' sports columnist says of proceedings taking place in Ottawa
OPINION: Air India bombing proof terrorism can happen in Canada

OPINION: Air India bombing proof terrorism can happen in Canada

'...let’s remember Air India. Let’s reconcile with our failures. Let’s make a commitment to giving this tragedy the place it deserves in our national consciousness,' writes Sean Patrick Dolan
OPINION: True history of Canada not taught in our schools

OPINION: True history of Canada not taught in our schools

European narratives have long wrongly portrayed Indigenous First Nations as warring against one another throughout history, says elder Jeff Monague
OPINION: Fabulous Jubilee celebrations had all the feels

OPINION: Fabulous Jubilee celebrations had all the feels

What is in the Queen's royal handbag? Columnist Wendy King runs down the answer and offers her thoughts on Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee
OPINION: Vote or not, everyone has the right to complain

OPINION: Vote or not, everyone has the right to complain

'The decline in voter turnout has been progressive, showing lower highs and lower lows, a concern on the federal and municipal levels as well,' writes reporter in post-election wrap-up
BIRDING: Tree swallows find home in nesting box (7 photos)

BIRDING: Tree swallows find home in nesting box (7 photos)

These social birds have taken a shine to eastern bluebird nesting boxes, columnist explains