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Poll results:

Should speed limits be reduced to 30 km/h on more roads in Newmarket?

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1446 total votes   Added

Yes, people are driving too fast in our neighbourhoods. I know of roads on which I'd like to see this implemented. 293 votes 20.26%
I am unsure. People drive fast but I don't know if a reduced speed limit will make a difference. 142 votes 9.82%
I do not mind, but would prefer other measures, like speed bumps or bollards, that are more effective. 211 votes 14.59%
No, this is a terrible idea. 30 km/h is way too slow and I doubt it would be followed or enforced. 800 votes 55.33%

The poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Newmarket or other areas.