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VIDEO: Add some gravity to your workout with suspension trainers

In this week's video, Newmarket athletic trainer Jen Mark highlights leg exercises with a piece of equipment that is easy on the knees

Suspension training can be done anywhere —that’s the beauty behind this piece of equipment. There are many brands that provide suspension training. TRX is probably the most popular. You can buy a wall mount to attach to a stud, or a door anchor to slide over the top of your door. When using the door option, be on the side of the door that opens away from you. If the door can lock, then you have no problem. Regular doors around the house will slip open if you exercise on that side… I speak from experience! 

I want to give you more confidence when you see this one in the gym, or to buy one for home, if you happen to be homebound for an unforeseeable bout of time…

There are so many ways to use these trainers, today we are focusing on legs. The video will show you a few options for leg exercises; squats, split squats, lunges, and one-leg options. 

When using the straps, make sure you lean back a little and keep the tension. Don’t let the straps slack at any point. The strapping system will hold you, but it can swing side to side or forward and backwards with you. It’s the job of you and your core to hold everything in place.

Proper technique must be maintained. Everything you have learned about each exercise still applies here, nothing different except the angle and the fact that you are holding straps. The idea is to use more of your body and ignite the core a little more.

I recommend the suspension trainers to anyone with knee pain. When squatting and lunging, the weight can be taken off your knees. It’s a great way to practise getting a little more range of motion in these exercises. 

Use the suspension trainers for a full workout or add in a few of these exercises into your usual routine. Changing equipment from time to time can help to make the workout more interesting, add a challenge, and force the body to make an adjustment. 

Next week we’ll cover upper body exercises and the final instalment will cover specific core work. By the end, you will have a full body exercise program.

If you want to learn more about reprogramming your body or need guidance putting a routine together, let me know! I would love to help. 

Jen Mark is a Registered Kinesiologist, Certified Athletic Therapist, and Registered Yoga Teacher at Matrix of Motion Fitness Studios and Sports Medicine Centre of Excellence in Newmarket. Jen is currently the athletic therapist with the Markham Majors Bantams. Jen is also the head therapist and holistic director for the Junior Development Squad with the Men’s program under Field Hockey Canada. Jen uses her athletic therapy for exercise and manual treatments including soft tissue massage, joint mobilizations, and muscle energy.