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OHF accepting applications for education scholarship

The deadline to apply is May 14
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The Ontario Hockey Federation is now accepting applications to receive an OHF Scholarship.

Introduced in 1997, the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) Scholarship recognizes and rewards dedication in education and hockey.

The program provides financial assistance to registered OHF participants to offset the cost of post-secondary education.

The  OHA has distributed more than  $450,000  to more than 400 post-secondary students.

Each year,  the  OHF  awards  $1,000  scholarships to  30  outstanding young people who display commitment both at the arena and in the classroom.

Scholarship recipients are awarded for academic achievements,  hockey involvement,  and community involvement.

To be eligible,  a  candidate must be registered for three of the previous four years within the  OHF  as a  player, trainer, coach, or official, and must be in good standing with the organization. They must be enrolling in post-secondary full-time studies in Canada for the first time.

To apply, a candidate must provide a letter (maximum  500  words and single-spaced)  outlining their contributions to hockey and what the game has meant to them. 

They should also list other information such as volunteer activity or community involvement.

Candidates must provide a letter of reference from their current school and a hockey-related organization on official letterhead plus a complete copy of an official school transcript with a summary of mid-term marks.

Applicants will be scored based on their contribution to hockey, their community, and school-related submission.

The number of recipients and the amount awarded to each will be determined by the  OHF  Scholarship  Committee.

Due to the limitations that COVID-19 presented to minor hockey opportunities in Ontario this year,  the  OHF broadened the registration range to ensure players who could not register in 2020/2021 may still apply for the 2021 award.

Applications should be submitted to [email protected] by May 14, 2021.

Brian Lockhart is a federally funded Local Journalism Initiative (LJI) reporter for the New Tecumseth Times.