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Lengthy Yonge, Wellington construction to begin in June

Street improvements at Aurora’s historic crossroads will continue for an estimated 45 days
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If you regularly drive through Aurora's busy intersection of Yonge and Wellington, you might want to consider a Plan B starting in June.

Street improvements at Aurora’s historic crossroads are planned to begin the first week of June and continue for an estimated 45 days.

Work at the intersection includes the construction of a new southbound right turn lane on Yonge Street.

“The intersection improvements primarily include the construction of a new southbound right turn lane, the replacement of traffic signals, sidewalk bays and sections of curb, roadway repaving and the reinstatement of intersection features including the Town’s rainbow crosswalk,” said Anca Mihail, manager of engineering and capital delivery for the Town of Aurora, in a letter to impacted businesses and property owners.

The town notes construction will be limited between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

“To perform specific tasks, the contractor may be required to work beyond the designated hours of construction,” Mihail continued. “This will be permitted only if it will provide less overall public inconvenience.

“Access to businesses and properties will be maintained throughout the duration of the project and lane closures on Yonge Street and Wellington Street will be limited to off-peak hours (outside of ‘rush hour’ times) to minimize traffic disruptions. During construction, the southbound bus stop at the northwest corner of the intersection will be temporarily relocated; however, York Region transit will continue to operate on Yonge Street as per their usual schedule.”

The project, which will be carried out by Coco Paving Inc., will include a third-party consultant to inspect certain buildings and properties in the area ahead of the construction.

“The consultant will be contacting businesses and residents directly to coordinate and schedule inspections of the affected properties,” said Mihail. “Construction sites can be hazardous and pose many hidden dangers. Therefore, we ask that everyone stays clear of the work areas, even when the contractor is not onsite. Safety is in everyone’s best interest.”

Intersection improvements won’t be the only reason drivers will experience travel delays at Yonge and Wellington at the beginning of June.

On Sunday, June 5, Yonge Street from Wellington to Murray Drive will be closed for the Aurora Chamber of Commerce Street Festival, a family-friendly favourite event that is returning for the first time since 2019 due to the global pandemic.

“York Region’s largest community event, the Aurora Chamber Street Festival is held annually on the first Sunday in June,” said the chamber. “The festival is a fun-filled event for all ages with 500+ vendors, fantastic street performers, live music, food galore, and so much more.

“Yonge Street is closed to traffic between Wellington Street and Murray Drive, allowing vendors and visitors full access to the street. Plan to attend rain or shine!”

For more information about the Aurora Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 Street Festival, including vendor applications and frequently asked questions, visit