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Re: Newmarket environmentalists host town hall to fight for Greenbelt, April 25, 2023.
Every single day I read something about how building on the Greenbelt is something that the vast majority of Newmarket and Aurora residents are adamantly against. That goes for most people in all of Ontario, if what I am hearing and reading about is true.
We must make our voices heard and fight against opening up lands that protect our water, soil, biodiversity and air. I hope many will attend our free and open to the public town hall event to celebrate and protect the Greenbelt on Thursday, May 11, at 7 p.m., at the Old Town Hall in Newmarket.
Find out what you can do and why our Greenbelt lands are so essential to our well-being and health.
Let's not regret what we didn't do while we still could.
Fran Bazos
Member of Climate Action Newmarket-Aurora