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LETTER: Aurora council right to reject townhouse development

Proposal for 45 townhouse units on an environmentally sensitive wetland area 'should never have seen the light of day,' letter writer says
Aurora rejected a plan for a townhouse development off St. John's Sideroad.

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RE: Aurora rejects townhome development on Newmarket border, Jan. 26, 2024

This proposal should never have seen the light of day.

Medal Homes has the audacity to propose building 45 townhouse units on an environmentally sensitive wetland area currently zoned R3, permitting one residential dwelling.

Please note also that there was no mention of whether the flood modelling for next 30 to 50 years has been completed, or any assurance that any fill would be monitored with full-time sampling for contaminants prior to placement. Also, there was no mention of where the stormwater pond is, and how the water would be treated prior to release.

As many people, including Mayor Tom Mrakas, pointed out, the issue of "right in, right out" access should be a non-starter, as it would clearly be a safety concern. Did they even do any traffic studies during rush hour times?

Aurora is right to vote no to this proposal.

Teresa Ganna Porter