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UP FRONT WITH THE MAYOR: You're invited to a community town hall

This Thursday night, Newmarket Mayor John Taylor invites you to join him for an update on what's happening in town, and will welcome your questions, too
Newmarket Mayor John Taylor. Greg King for NewmarketToday

Newmarket Mayor John Taylor writes an occasional column for NewmarketToday about issues and events of interest to our community.

On Thursday, April 25, I'm hosting a community town hall meeting to provide an update on what's happening in Newmarket and answer any questions you may have. It will take place at the Old Town Hall, 460 Botsford St., Newmarket, starting at 7 p.m.

Engaging with residents is my favourite part of this job. While I do this one-on-one or in small groups every day, I don’t get the chance often enough to do it in a formal event covering a range of topics, like this town hall.

Events like this are a great way to cover a larger range of topics than we would in, say, a council meeting, particularly the things you want to hear and talk about.

I'll kick off the meeting with a presentation touching on the town’s finances and local economy, housing options for everyone, and new recreation and culture amenities, including Mulock Park.

Many great things are happening in Newmarket and there are plenty more on the horizon to look forward to that we should talk more about. 

Following the presentation, residents can take the floor to ask me about what is top of their mind. 

I hope you can join me on Thursday and please ask a question or two. 
