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Up Front with the Mayor: Vaccinations must be required to work, play in group settings

In his regular column, Newmarket Mayor John Taylor emphasizes the need for strong action to get the COVID-19 pandemic under control
20190222 Newmarket Mayor John Taylor GK01
Newmarket Mayor John Taylor. Greg King for Newmarket Today

Newmarket Mayor John Taylor highlights current issues impacting the town in his regular monthly column. Your questions are welcome at [email protected]

As we head into the fall, many governments and private sector companies are introducing vaccination requirements of varying degrees. Some provide a testing option, some have exceptions for medical and religious reasons. Regardless of what model is adopted, it is my belief that now is the time we must move to require vaccinations to work or play in congregate settings.

The fall has great potential for dramatically greater numbers of COVID-19 cases and we now know from places like Israel and Britain that even with high vaccination rates, hospitals and ICUs can be overwhelmed by the unvaccinated.

The health of our families, vulnerable residents and small businesses is at too great a risk not to implement vaccine requirements. 

Many people are talking about these requirements as "mandates," but that term is inaccurate. No one is being told they must get a vaccine. They are being told if you want to go to a Blue Jays game or you want to sit beside dozens of your co-workers, you will need to be vaccinated.  

Contrary to what some people say, no one likes to place restrictions or requirements on people, but the circumstances we live in requires stronger action to get this pandemic under control and put it behind us.

I am confident that history will recognize this minor imposition on our freedoms as being justified under the circumstances. Please, everyone, get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated will save lives and will save businesses – it is really that simple.

