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LETTER: Billions needed to build 413 better spent buying back 407

Stop Highway 413, it's just a money pit with developers enriched, says letter writer
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Re: Letter to the editor, Next step to protecting Greenbelt is cancelling highway projects, Oct. 28, 2023.

It seems ridiculous to me for the provincial government to build more highways when it has a mighty road artery that is underused and overpriced, affectionately known as the 407, right in the centre of the heavily used 401.

Highway 407 was sold to offshore investors years ago and the billions needed to build Highway 413 would be better spent buying back the 407, removing the tolls and opening up the 407 to all, at no charge.

Congestion solved and already a viable artery albeit underused. Too expensive for many or even most commuters sitting in gridlock on the 401!

Stop the 413, it's just a money pit with developers enriched.

Bruce Kerr