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WORLD: The coronavirus outbreak will end eventually — the question is how

WORLD: The coronavirus outbreak will end eventually — the question is how

Experts are confident the current outbreak — which has claimed more than 3,000 lives globally — will eventually fizzle out.
Man, 56, faces child luring, indecent exposure charges

Man, 56, faces child luring, indecent exposure charges

'If parents are not engaged, they will never see them coming until it's too late,' says police official; Arrest in Orillia was made following online investigation
Be fraud-aware and protect yourself from costly scams: OPP

Be fraud-aware and protect yourself from costly scams: OPP

OPP and partners to provide tips, resources on spear phishing, extortion, romance and service scams during March fraud prevention month
Rejoice! Spring has sprung at Town of Newmarket's greenhouse (10 photos)

Rejoice! Spring has sprung at Town of Newmarket's greenhouse (10 photos)

'Green' thumbs up all around as 290 hanging baskets and 300 planters are readied to roll out across town in May
Be careful around Newmarket's waterways as snow, ice melt

Be careful around Newmarket's waterways as snow, ice melt

Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority sends a reminder to keep family and pets away form the edges of all waterways
'Experience York Region' with this renewed artsy partnership

'Experience York Region' with this renewed artsy partnership

Newmarket's Riverwalk Commons gets a boost from continued support of York Region Arts Council
BEYOND LOCAL: What’s the deal with socially responsible investing?

BEYOND LOCAL: What’s the deal with socially responsible investing?

Experts recommend doing your homework on what you are actually investing in to make sure it is truly sustainable
7 brave young people share lived experience with ADHD

7 brave young people share lived experience with ADHD

New 5-part YouTube video series aims to spark national conversation
Good morning, Newmarket!

Good morning, Newmarket!

Mainly cloudy with a chance of flurries then a chance of rain showers and windy.
BEYOND LOCAL: Sniffles and itchy eyes in winter? It could be allergies

BEYOND LOCAL: Sniffles and itchy eyes in winter? It could be allergies

Since winter is also cold season, it can be tricky to tell the difference between an allergy and an infection