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Newmarket marches in support of man battling multiple myeloma (5 photos)

The first annual Newmarket Multiple Myeloma March Sunday, Sept. 22 raised almost $47,000 for Myeloma Canada, which aims to improve the lives of those impacted by myeloma, like local resident Nic Ahola, and to support research for a cure
By all accounts, the first annual Newmarket Multiple Myeloma March was a huge success, with about 150 people coming out early Sunday to walk and run at Newmarket Riverwalk Commons.
Kristy Ahola, the leader of the march, said she is determined to create awareness for myeloma, a little-known and incurable cancer of the plasma cells that her husband, Nic, lives with. Together with family, friends, and the community, they exceeded their goal, raising almost $47,000, which will help ensure research continues to stay one step ahead of the disease and new drug therapies continue to be developed until a cure is found.
The Multiple Myeloma March is Myeloma Canada’s flagship fundraiser. Myeloma Canada, a charitable organization, is driven to improve the lives of those impacted by myeloma and to support research toward finding a cure.
Thanks to major strides in research, not only has the quality of life of patients improved, but researchers are encouraged to say that life expectancies have more than doubled in the past 15 years and this is continuing on an upward trend.
Newmarket is one of a record 28 communities across Canada participating in the Multiple Myeloma March.


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