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Re: Letter to the editor, Poll reveals support declining for Bradford Bypass, Nov. 29, 2022.
What ever happened to public consultation?
No government official has replied to my numerous emails regarding the Bradford Bypass or Bill 23 with any substantial answers to my questions. Reading Rescue Lake Simcoe articles, I see others also have had the problem. Even during a public forum, questions are being evaded. It's a one-way street!
Many environmental and health professionals are pleading with the Ford government to slow down and listen. So who is listening or is the Ford government and the Environment Ministry practising "fall on deaf ears"?
Bill 23 was passed so quickly that the public had little time to have their say and oppose it. The public have spoken and the last poll states only 20 per cent want the Bradford Bypass and 80 per cent don't, as noted by Rescue Lake Simcoe. Again, I ask who is listening or is the Ford government just steamrolling over all environmental protection laws and overriding all their ministries' protection acts with abrupt MZOs or newly introduced bills like Bill 23?
The majority of the public does not want Highway 413 or the Bradford Bypass or urban sprawl. They want the government to protect their farmlands, significant wetlands, their greenspace, lakes and rivers and, mostly, human health.
Again, I ask who is listening or reading these riveting articles in order to save Ontario from environmental degradation and worsening of our health?
M.J. Hanley